Booking In Now Open

Booking In will open for both the SHMCC Rally-X and Truck Champs Events on Friday 31st January.

If you wish to hire a club Transponder for any of these events, we strongly advise booking in early to avoid disappointment.

Further details for the Rally-X Events - Can be found here

Further details for the Truck Champs Events - Can be found here 

Rock Crawlers

This year's Rock Crawler dates have been announced, including a display of rock crawling at the New Milton Rugby Club family fun day in Ashley on Saturday June 14th.

Visit the Rock Crawler page

Rally-X 2025

This year by popular demand we will run 2 Rally-X trophy meetings with 3 classes to choose from. Raĺly Car, Short Course Truck and Buggy.

Find Out More

Check out our new gallery 

Our new gallery now has sections for different events making it easier to navigate. We will add new pictures and sections throughout the year.

Visit the gallery now

Truck Champs Championship

Truck Champs is the new name for the SHMCC Tamiya TT-01/TT-01e Truck Championship and this year is sponsored by Old "N" Fast Racing AKA Terry Crew.

Find Out More

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