Truck Champs Championship

Truck Champs is the new name for the SHMCC Tamiya TT01/TT-01e Truck Championship and this year is sponsored by Old "N" Fast Racing AKA Terry Crew.

This year we will have 3 rounds in 2 classes, Adult Club Truck & Junior Club Truck (age 16 & under). Points will be awarded at each round and your best two scores count.
[We will not be running a Stock Class this year].

There will be presentations given at each round plus overall winners trophies at the final round for the top 3 highest point scores in each class.

Also a raffle with lots of RC goodies at each round so remember to bring some cash.

The rules are the same as our normal club rules and are as follows:

This class is for running Tamiya TT-01/TT-01e trucks. It is seen as a fun class therefore we are saying to keep the trucks kit standard as they come out of the box with the following changes being allowed:

Speedo - Can either be the kit Tamiya one or the Hobbywing 1060ESC connectors may be changed to suit battery used

Only Tamiya Torque Tuned (TA54358) or Core RC 21 (CR711) motor may be used, with no modifications or 'cranking' permissible

Kit standard gearing but a steel 19T pinion may be used

Oil Filled Shocks

Alloy Centre Prop Shaft

Alloy Motor Mount

Alloy Wheel Hexes

Low Friction Suspension Balls

Motor Cooling Fan

Adjustable Steering Turnbuckles

Ball Bearing kit

M-chassis Wheels with kit tyres and inserts

Or Ride Pre-glued Cut Slick Tyres 24mm (The Ride TR9 Tyres are NOT Allowed)

Non-kit hardware including screws and servo saver/horn may be used. Differentials must not be locked - When either wheel is rotated by hand, the opposite wheel must rotate freely in the opposite direction. The use of any type of traction compound and or tyre warmers are prohibited

No home-made hop-ups or modifications. With the exception of removing a small amount of the chassis webs to fit rectangular Lipo packs. Top deck can be removed or cut down.

Minimum Weight for all Trucks 1500g

The club have 8 loan transponders available to hire at a cost of £5.00 each. These are on a first come first served basis and must be paid for at time of booking for the event to reserve one.

Race Dates

Round 1 - Sunday 27th April 

Round 2 - Sunday 20th July

Round 3 - Sunday 28th September 

Entry Prices

Adult Member £15.00

Junior Member £12.00

Adult Non Member £18.00

Junior Non Member £14.00

Transponder Hire £5.00

Spectators FREE

Booking In Opens on 31st January 2025

On PayPal please add in notes Your name, TruckChamps and meeting date you are booking for and choose payment type Friends And Family Every time

Once you have paid please register your booking


And we will add you when the entry list is next updated

Sunday 27th AprilTransponderClass
Lewis Reade-Blake6991518Adult
Savannah Reade-Blake
To FollowJunior
Clive Coomes5408609Adult
Martin Reeder2331612Adult
Rob Steel6892337Adult
Sunday 20th JulyTransponderClass
Lewis Reade-Blake
Savannah Reade-Blake
To FollowJunior
Indiana Reade-Blake
Hire PT 1Junior
Clive Coomes
Martin Reeder2331612

Sunday 28th September TransponderClass
Lewis Reade-Blake
Indiana Reade-Blake
Hire PT 1Junior
Clive Coomes
Martin Reeder2331612

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